Regal Kare


Chakra Incense Gift Set

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Product Details

The Chakra Scented Incense Sticks...

Balancing our Chakras brings harmony to our mind, body and soul, creating balance in the different aspects of Life. Understanding your seven chakras and how they are connected to one and another, will help you to understand your body more allowing you to communicate with you, on a deeper level. 

First Chakra - Root (Muladhara) " I am "

The Root Chakra Keeps us Grounded, Confident and Independent. 

Blockage: Feeling Unbalanced, Vulnerable, Threatened

Second Chakra - Sacral (Swadhisthana) "I feel"

The Sacral Chakra helps us to understand our emotions and respond in harmony to other's emotions. This is also the sensual area of our body that controls our Sexual Energy.

Blockage: Feeling Insecure, Lack of Control, Lack of Sensuality

Third Chakra - Solar Plexus (Manipura) "I do"

The Solar Plexus Chakra encourages Self-Love & Self-Confidence allowing us to take control of our lives and accept you we are. 

Blockage: Feeling Self Doubt, Anxiety, Overwhelmed, Low Self-esteem

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